Today is THE DAY that I get my scrapbook desk all tidied up and organized. I have let my scrapbooking fall by the wayside, as super couponing took over.
Now, I have enjoyed learning how to save huge amounts of money, start a Facebook page to talk about it, begin teaching classes to teach others and then starting a full blown website. But, now I have to get back to finding an outlet for being creative... I keep seeing these clever craft projects and cute scrapbooking ideas and wishing..... And even buying the occasional pc. of paper or cute embellishment... So, today is the day!
I am getting my desk all cleaned off. My papers organized. My ribbon stash tidied. And all my bits and pcs. sorted. My hubby has to work today, so I have the whole day to devote (along with my 3 year old's needs)....
I do have an agenda, as my Mom is coming over on Monday morning for an ALL DAY crop! I have to be able to find my stuff. Get some pages prepped. And maybe even start one today...
Hey! I can dream, can't I???
OK, I have to sign off or I won't get started.....
I decided to re-arrange the furniture first... WHEW!!! HARD WORK! Then do all the sorting, organizing, tidying, dusting, polishing, and it is almost done!